
Saturday, May 2, 2020

What is Zoom? How Safe is Zoom? How it works, Tips & Tricks

What is Zoom?

Due to the Pandemic Covid-19 (corona virus), Most of the People in the World are Working From Home. So People are Finding New ways to Communicate with their Family, Friends, Colleagues etc.

One of the best way to interact with other person is Zoom Cloud Meeting Application. The User of Zoom meeting Application are Rapidly increasing during Covid-19 because of its Features.

Zoom meeting App is nothign but Cloud based Video Conferencing Application which is mostly used by Companies, Industries to Host the Meeting With Their Clients or Colleagues.

Zoom meeting is more Popular because of its Features like Easy in Use, High Quality Video and Audio. It also provide the Chat Screen and Text Message Feature. 

The main benefit of this App is that You can Attend Meeting without Signin Into Account. Bus The Person Who Host The Meeting Have to Sign Up for the Account.

As of now, Most of the People in world At least Use this Zoom App for Once For Conferencing Call, meeting etc. And Due to  Increase in User of This App There is Privacy Risk of Using this App Has Risen.

So There are Lots of Questions are in Your Mind About Zoom Meeting Applications like

Is Zoom Safe? Can  I Still Use Zoom?

Yes You can Use Zoom App as long as You take Precautions. If You are the Host of Meeting then Certain thing You Have to Looking For.

So If You are Hosting Public meeting then You have to Share Public link with Person whom You Know Or Trust them. Don't Share it with Unknown Person.

When You are in Meeting Then You Have to Control all the Activities. Ensure that Only Signed in Participent Can Join Call.

If You observed Some Unwanted Activity, Cyber attacks Then You must Have to Report to Zoom Regarding This.

Is Your Privacy at Risk?

Zoom meeting Applications is Same like other web Platforms. Zoom meeting also collects User's Information like Facebook, Google. But the Problem with Zoom app is that it allows Other User to get your Information.

Zoom's Privacy Policy includes rights to Collect user' data and then share it with the Advertiser. Its Privacy Policy also include to Video recording and Calling.
Its Lot of Information for hacker. But now Zoom has fixed the Video vulnerability.

Tips & Tricks

If You have to use Zoom meeting Applications then It's better to use in web browser then launching it's Application. Due to this Amount of Data Sent to Company is Cut down.

Zoom Alternative 

There are many alternatives available which are Capable of Competing with Zoom meeeting.

Following are Few Alternative to Zoom Which Make Good Option For Video Conferencing meeting.

Google Hangouts
Skype for Business
Microsoft Teams

So I Hope You get all information regarding Zoom Application and You get Answers of all Your questions and you like the article about What is Zoom? How Safe is Zoom? How it works, Tips & Tricks

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